In My Head it Makes Sense

These are the tales of a newlywed couple who are trying to figure out life together...hilarity ensues

Thursday, October 1, 2009

more beginnings

Long time no post! not really sure if anyone reads this, but I do have things to talk about so I figured I would.

Yesterday my wonderful husband bought me a treadmill! I have phobias about exercise and gyms that I have struggled with. Now I can exercise whenever I want! I really need to get healthy/in shape.

This morning after using my awesome treadmill ( in front of my 47" tv) I dyed my hair. It's called natural darkest. It's basically black. I like it- I've wanted to go really dark for awhile now. Taylor thinks it's hott. he teases me about being goth now, though... I'm just excited I get to wear cool colors again! grey and hot pink here I come!

my new meds are awesome. life is so much easier when everything in you is working properly.

music artist of the week: Adele. my new resolution includes happier music. her music isn't necessarily happy, but it's soulful and beautiful and truly artistic. plus I have a soft spots for Brits

movie of the week: monsters vs. aliens. All star voice cast was enjoyable even if the story was lacking. Moments of humor, political references, and a good moral make this animated movie deserving of 'adorable'

RSL vs. BYU soccer tomorrow :]

p.s. happy 5 months to my love. I am definitely a lucky girl!!


1 comment:

  1. I read!! when you actually update that is. haha Adele is one of my favs too and Monsters vs. Aliens was HILARIOUS! no? Mal and I saw it on the plane coming back from Italy. She was crying from laughing so hard, very much like that time in Bristol with the slushies. =] Miss you girlie!!
