In My Head it Makes Sense

These are the tales of a newlywed couple who are trying to figure out life together...hilarity ensues

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Moving Day

Long time no ramble, huh?

Summer semester ended last thursday. We now have two weeks of break before Fall semester. It's weird seeing all of the facebook statuses about moving back to college to start over again. I don't have to do that. Going to school is just a part of my life, not all of it. I'm looking forward to the time off from school. My wonderful husband is taking my hours at work half of this week so that I can stay home and do some much needed cleaning... and probably thank you cards from our wedding presents. I hope it hasn't been too long to be unacceptably late!

Yesterday our favorite people (Ryan & Tara) moved from their apt in Pleasant Grove to an apt in Provo. It's awesome they live 5-10 min away now instead of 20ish :] We got to help them move most everything. Then we came back later and helped Tara unpack and organize things. It was great to help them out so much. I even carried couch pieces up flights of stairs :] I had almost forgotten my OCD tendencies about organizing. I find it extremely fun to organize shirts by color and movies by alphabet, haha. The reason my own house is a mess is because I'm lazy. This next week I plan on doing some deep deep cleaning. Our apt is too nice to be looking so grody.

Sometimes it amazes me how good Taylor is at video games. I'm not going to lie, I get jealous sometimes. I tried Rainbow 6 the other day. I kept getting shot while reading the prompts on how to play, haha. He just downloaded portal yesterday. He beat the game while I was sitting there - in about two hours. I'm excited to play it. It seems like the kind of game I'd enjoy- nerdy and slightly creepy :]

I've also recently gotten into horror movies. I mostly hated the ones I saw because I either watched the stupid violence ones (friday 13th) or the I hope that doesn't happen to me ones (the strangers). I do enjoy the ones with creative deaths, though (I give props to Final Destination 2). Lately I've found a type of horror movie that I approve of. The ones that keep you guessing the whole time and have a point to them. Either that or a completely surprise ending. The ones I watched were Saw and Cry_Wolf. I can't wait to see the rest of the Saw movies :] did you know they're making 7 of them? Blockbuster guy told me.

Craving of the week: Golden Oreos. The box is almost gone. so addicting. so good.

I dyed my hair dark about two weeks ago. It lightened quicker than I anticipated, but I think that's because the color was so different and it still had red in it. I'll probably dye it before school starts a dark brown without the red higlights and see how long it lasts (I even have expensive shampoo to make sure it doesn't fade, geez). I'm also a happy camper now- finally found a dosage that works for me! yay for modern medicine.

also no one wants to buy our truck for what we want for it... we'll probably end up keeping it through the winter afterall.


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