In My Head it Makes Sense

These are the tales of a newlywed couple who are trying to figure out life together...hilarity ensues

Sunday, July 5, 2009

On Holiday

It was so great not going to work on friday. So what do we do? clean the whole apartment! It looks so good! we also did about 7 loads of laundry. half of which were towels. I think we need a better system for towel usage...

Friday I dyed my hair. This time I dyed it dark auburn. I like it. I think I'm going to stay darker for a while. Probably even go deep brown for fall. Of course I had to buy new eyeshadow to go with my new hair :]

Taylor has been finding wonderful things on the xbox. His new obsession is a game called worms. It is a battle strategy game where worms blow up other worms. you can even play live. it makes me laugh. the worms say cute things too. He has also been finding old nintendo and computer games that they have available on xbox360 for download. He likes reliving his childhood games. I just think they have crappy graphics. guess that's what I get for growing up without brothers!

Yesterday was relaxing. We had a family BBQ of course, then me and Taylor got in a little pool with his niece. she is so adorable. Taylor sunburned his back. poor pastey white. He's actually thinking about going tanning, haha. I've been going between class and work on monday and wednesday. My skin is very fickle so I come back burned sometimes. It's mostly gone by the next day though.

Between the two of us we have gone to the doctor many times in the last couple weeks. There's nothing new wrong, I guess it's just taking us awhile to get old things fixed! good news is that I'm finally on medication! I'm excited to see how it works. It'll probably take a week to kick in though. Taylor's trying to get a surgery scheduled (one that he's had before). I have a pap smear on monday. not really excited about that one. My doctor's way nice though so I didn't want to take the trouble to schedule a woman for another time. All I have to say is thank you BYU for letting me wait until I'm married! apparently too many girls were scarred for life doing pre-marital exams so they decided to stop, haha.

Taylor got his parents and old roommate addicted to Bones. We watched three episodes with them last night instead of set off fireworks, haha! guess we'll just have to do that another time. Malloree sent me a video text of fireworks so I feel as if I've seen them anyways.

Today my dad will be wearing his union jack (british flag) tie to church. I do miss that. I'll sing a round of 'God Save the Queen' just for him today.


1 comment:

  1. Glad to get a posting again! Your life sounds busy, full, and fun. Anxious to hear about your latest doctor adventure!
    Love you!
