In My Head it Makes Sense

These are the tales of a newlywed couple who are trying to figure out life together...hilarity ensues

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

new schedule

Hello. This is mostly going to be a rant about how much I hate math.

In happier news, Our mini vacate to StGeorge was pretty fun. It was short and sweet and full of junk food. Doritos taste soooo good! especially after not eating them for a long while.

Taylor drove on the way home so we spent a good while talking about baby names for fun. I tell ya it´s tough trying to find an awesome name that your kid won´t be teased to death for. We´re going to try to incorporate some traditional Italian regardless.

Right now Taylor has been using skype to talk to some old friends in Brazil. He´s pretty excited about that

This evening we go to our third class. It should be pretty fun. We´re both taking college algebra and survey of world religions. Tay is taking a health class and I´m taking D&C. I´m not sure how I feel about two hour classes yet though

So that means I get two straight hours of math and have to do two sections of math for homework. I know people who took higher math in high school probably don´t have any sympathy for me, but math just doesn´t like me. We do our homework online. This one problem with 9 parts I did 5 times and couldn´t get right. I finally worked through one with the computer´s help and found that I had the right answer, but didn´t accept the coordinates in the order I put them in. I also hate technology. I´m a smart girl, but when it comes to math I do idiotic things like punch in a number wrong on the calc or mix up a + or - or put one too many 0s. I hate it because I work problems identical to the way we were taught in class and cannot get a right answer. I had planned on never taking math again, but to graduate I had to add a minor and to get a business minor I have to take math. At least it´s only algebra. Oh and our first test is tomorrow. Correct me if I´m wrong, but I believe it is unhealthy to put your self through something that makes you hate yourself.

I bought some calligraphy ink so maybe I´ll go home and paint myself back into high self-esteem



  1. I was thinking the same thing yesterday when I was flying home. They gave me the munchies with doritos as our snack. I forgot how good they are. That sucks you have to go through math in such a short semester. Good luck with that. I am good at math (love algebra) but horrible at English. I am taking 315 next semester and dreading it already.

  2. Quite the challenge! You've always been great at a challenge. It's just numbers and a human made box and circuits. Overcoming the artistic flights of mind (AFM or ADD to the unenlightened) to be able to concentrate to get all the signs and 0s right is the challenge, not your abilities. Take an adderal when you do the math homework - I've heard it gives you SUPER concentration power! And it is only a few weeks. You can do ANYTHING for just a few weeks.
    Amy feels sorry for the peach sorbet that nobody wants so she brings it home everyday! We didn't like the Alpine chocolate - bland and wierd. One day she had ELECTRIC yellow lemon sorbet - too much coloring! Caramel crunch was a yummy new treat - loved that smooth chocolate.
    You are a rock and you rock!
